Happy New Year #2022 #NY2022 #cheesecake

Happy new year from Sydney and thank you all for following and supporting freespiritfood.net since I started my blog so many years ago.

Mini baked cheesecake with hints of ginger

How the world has changed in the last two years? Rather than being able to travel the world, or even go to restaurants and places in Australia, I have been relying on my foodie memories and experiences to inspire my cooking at home.

I hope you have enjoyed my attempts to try new recipes and create different dishes. As with the rest of life, some ideas have worked better than others!

To finish the year for desert tonight I created these mini baked cheesecakes, made in a muffin tin, with a ginger biscuit base and shavings of uncrystallised ginger on top. Made in just 3 hours from start to finish, they have been given a tick of approval by our family.

I will post the full recipe but wanted to share a small foodie experience with you from the last day of 2021!!

Jimmy Buffett might say “there’s a little bit of fruitcake in all of us”, but I prefer “a little bit of this cheesecake”!! 😀

Australian flowers

Resilient, tough, beautiful and courageous. Just like my friend Frances was. But as we know all life is fragile. Vale Franny.

A splash of colour #tulips #autumn

Brightening up the kitchen as winter approaches in Sydney…beautiful autumn days in the meantime.

Free Spirit Rose

I went into the florist And chose these stunning orange and pink tipped roses to be told they are called “Free Spirit Roses” – what an appropriate and beautiful coincidence!

Beautiful Blogger Award

Thank you to Satabdi from http://www.dineinmykitchen.worpress.com for nominating Freespiritfood.net for a Beautiful Blogging Award. Getting acknowledgment from my fellow bloggers is still surprising and exciting especially as I’ve only been blogging for a few months.

The rules for this award are:
Link to the blogger who nominated you
Share 7 random things about yourself
Nominate 7 creative and beautiful bloggers
Notify them of your nomination

So to follow the rules here are 7 free spirited random things about me:

  1. I love travel and discovering different cultures
  2. I enjoy cooking lots of different cuisines, not just Indian food
  3. I wish I had more time to read books – which I find I can only really enjoy on holidays nowadays
  4. I would like to be more creative and pursue my interest in art at some point in my life
  5. I am secretly hoping to get another cat as a pet, preferably a chocolate Burmese
  6. I have a colouring in book for grown-ups
  7. I have never ridden a bicycle but I’ve jumped out of a plane!

My nominations for the Beautiful Blogging Award for their great recipes, photos and design are:
1. Ice Cream Magazine
2. Marcey’s Table
3. Foodfullife
4. What’s Bec Cooking?
5. Nish Kitchen
6. From the family table
7. Thyme and everything else
Happy blogging!