Beautiful Blogger Award

Thank you to Satabdi from for nominating for a Beautiful Blogging Award. Getting acknowledgment from my fellow bloggers is still surprising and exciting especially as I’ve only been blogging for a few months.

The rules for this award are:
Link to the blogger who nominated you
Share 7 random things about yourself
Nominate 7 creative and beautiful bloggers
Notify them of your nomination

So to follow the rules here are 7 free spirited random things about me:

  1. I love travel and discovering different cultures
  2. I enjoy cooking lots of different cuisines, not just Indian food
  3. I wish I had more time to read books – which I find I can only really enjoy on holidays nowadays
  4. I would like to be more creative and pursue my interest in art at some point in my life
  5. I am secretly hoping to get another cat as a pet, preferably a chocolate Burmese
  6. I have a colouring in book for grown-ups
  7. I have never ridden a bicycle but I’ve jumped out of a plane!

My nominations for the Beautiful Blogging Award for their great recipes, photos and design are:
1. Ice Cream Magazine
2. Marcey’s Table
3. Foodfullife
4. What’s Bec Cooking?
5. Nish Kitchen
6. From the family table
7. Thyme and everything else
Happy blogging!

Liebster Award nomination!

I’ve been nominated for a Liebster Award by fellow blogging community member Olive at
Thank you Olive for your interesting and humorous tales and constant sidetracks! I’ll be following through on nominating five other of my favourite blogs for a Liebster too!

Here’s how it works:

Make a post thanking and linking the person who nominated you.
Include the Liebster Award sticker in the post too.
Nominate 5 -10 other bloggers who you feel are worthy of this award. Let them know they have been nominated by commenting on one of their posts. You can also nominate the person who nominated you.
Ensure all of these bloggers have less than 200 followers.
Answer the eleven questions asked to you by the person who nominated you, and make eleven questions of your own for your nominees or you may use the same questions.
Lastly, COPY these rules in your post.

Here are my answers to Olive from Travel Much?

  1. What is your dream vacation? Currently my dream vacation would be to travel to Portugal and visit the Algarve. This has been inspired by at
  2. What book are you currently reading? I am currently reading, very slowly The Sea, The Sea by Iris Murdoch. This effort has been totally distracted by my new blogging activity and by interesting blogs like
  3. What New Year’s resolution did I make and how long did it take to break it? I didn’t make any new year resolutions because I always break them!
  4. If you had a superpower what would it be? Being in two places at one time – at work and travelling the world! 
  5. What does a perfect day look like? Sunshine, ocean, family, friends and great food
  6. If you could witness any event of the past,,present or future what would it be? Nelson Mandela walking free
  7. How did you get into the blogging world? I keep getting asked for my recipes and restaurant and travel advice  by friends and family so decided to start Freespiritfood in the spirit of sharing with the wider community.
  8. Shark diving, bungee jumping or sky diving? I have been sky diving and loved it!
  9. What is your favourite cheesy pick up line? I’ve been with my partner Adrian for a very long time so I can’t even remember any pick up lines!
  10. If you could recommend just one place in your country to a tourist, what would it be? Uluru in the Northern Territory – a place of natural and spiritual wonder
  11. How annoyed are you at my questions right now on a scale of 1-10? Do you get easily annoyed? Not that annoyed (2/10) other than the fact I couldn’t cut and paste the questions from your site for some reason somE had to re type them! I don’t get annoyed easily but when I do it’s not pretty:)……Whew well that was tiring. This will definitely be the longest post I have done ever!

Now for my nominations:

1.For inspiring me about the Algarve Delights of the Algarve 
2. For introducing me to Goan delights Goan Wiki
3. For entertaining me Travel Much?
4. For great recipes Chef Mimi 
5. For the online proposal he made to his girlfriend  365 Days off work

My questions to you if you choose to accept my nomination are:

1. What inspired you to start your blog?
2. Would you consider yourself an adventurous eater? what is the strangest thing you have eaten.
3. What is your dream holiday trip?
4. Do you enjoy cooking? what is your favourite meal to make?
5. Who in the world would you find it most inspirational to have dinner with?
6. What was the most memorable meal you have had and why?
7. What is your idea of a perfect day?
8. If you could choose any moment in the past, present or future to witness what would it be?
9. Do you eat meat and if so which is your favourite?
10. If you could have a superpower what would it be?
11. Are you as excited as I was to get to the end of the 11 questions?

Happy blogging and I hope the nomination introduces many others to your site. Cheers Shanthini

Welcome to a world of flavour

Free Spirit Food is inspired by the travels and (mainly) foodie adventures with some detours to special art and cultural experiences that (mainly) end in associated eating memories. Having spent my early childhood in South Africa I grew up surrounded by the smells and taste sensations of my extended family’s delicious Indian cooking. I also took for granted our weekly Sunday roast dinners and sitting down to sample traditional African food. Growing up in Australia my horizons expanded to Italian and of course Thai, Chinese and Vietnamese delights. My travels have also fanned my abiding interest in cooking and exploring the tantalising flavours of the world.  I hope my recipes, reviews, tips and tales will inspire you to try some new foodie adventures at home and afar. Shanthini

