Sugar plum and chilli sauce with Indian flavours

Thanks to @bellyrumbles for your Easy Chilli Plum Sauce Recipe – which I used over the weekend with some adaptions to create a delicious sugar plum chilli sauce. Now I have a heap of it to enjoy in coming weeks!

My version follows…

Prep time: 10 minutes Cooking time: 50 minutes


1kg of sugar plums chopped with seeds kept for mixture

150 g caster sugar

100g brown sugar

500ml white wine vinegar

10-12 small red chillies

1/2 finger size piece of ginger cut into pieces

10 g salt

2 star anise

I tablespoon coriander seeds

1 teaspoon black peppercorns

Handful of fresh curry leaves (2 large sprigs with leaves removed from stems)


Chop sugar plums into pieces keeping the bits with the stone.

Put rest of ingredients in large heavy based non-stick pot and slowly bring to a simmer.

simmer for 45-50 minutes until fruit has gone past pulpy to form a sauce

Allow to cool for 10 minutes or so

Strain in portions through a fine sieve to seperate sauce from seeds, leaves and spices, pushing sauces and juices through with the back of a wooden spoon.

Pour into sterilised glass container and allow to cool thoroughly before fitting with airtight lid

Will last in fridge for 4-6 weeks but will be eaten before then!!